There is some email that is just too funny just to let it sit in the mailbox so I'm sharing it with you. You've probably already seen some of it before, but you'll probably find something new too. Please feel free to share your funny emails with me. I'll post it if it's in good taste and funny. I hope you enjoy these!

"FREE" SoapsThe Elevator Wall Street Journal
Dr. SeussEnglish Slaughtered HereFinal Exam
CloneSpell Checker Cup Holder
World Series If Restaurants functioned like Microsoft! Bricklayer
Highway Beautification Hurts all over Pen-Pal Greeting
Goodbye Blind Man in Texas Shhh..
Dying Wish It's a Stage Eye Catching
Lottery Two Boys blank

Page created by JulieE
Last update 9/12/99
Thanks to Barmaton InterNETional