Julie's mIRC Page

JulieE's mIRC Page

Crazy about IRC

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The first thing you should do to begin is to download mIRC. There are lots of places on the WWW to give you helpful hints about using mIRC. I'll give you some links to some of those places, and give you a few tips of my own.

I really have no reason to leave this page up, since I never update it anymore and don't even use mIRC anymore. I guess I'm just leaving it up because it is one of the first pages I ever did and I really like the look of it. It serves no real practical purpose, so please don't send me emails correcting the information or giving me more abbreviations. You can send me email if you notice that one of the links I have provided is outdated and I will remove it from my page.

Here are some of the places you can go to get information about using mIRC.

bulletMy own list of IRC abbreviations.
bullet Slick's mIRC Help Page This will tell you how to set up mIRC.
bullet The mIRC & Eggdrop Archive
bullet Eric's mIRC Scripts
bullet The IRC Repository
bullet Triad's Domain
bullet Net-User
bullet Chris' mIRC Nook - Offering IRC information, help, files and programs!

New IRC Users Help

Some of my favorite mIRC Commands:

Actions - /me {requested action}
bullet Changing topics - /topic {#channel} {requested topic}
bullet Sound to channel - /sound {#channel} {requested wav} {your message}
bullet Private message in open window - /msg {nickname} {message}
bullet Private message in new window - /query {nickname}
bullet See who is in a channel - /who {#channel}
bullet Info about nickname - /whois {nickname}
bulletClear the screen - /clear
bulletSend a message to all channels you're on - /amsg {message}
bulletSend action to all channels you're on - /ame {requested action}

If you're a Mac user, you can still chat. I don't know anything about it, but I know that some of my friends have used Ircle. Unfortunately, since I don't know anything about it, I'm unable to answer questions about how to use it. I also don't know if the same IRC commands can be used with Ircle. Hope this helps you!

I hope you enjoyed your visit. Please bookmark this page and come back again soon!

How do I get to IRC???

Page created by JulieE
Last updated 2/28/99
Thanks to Barmaton InterNETional