Break out of someone's frames!

It seems that I've run out of space and time, so I probably won't have many new backgrounds for a while...if ever. I'll leave these up for you to use and I might just surprise you with some new ones sometime!

If you find something you decide to use, please let me know. I have also added a button at the bottom of this page that you may use, if you'd like. other thing. Please copy and save these to your own not link to mine. Thanks!

As my collection grew, it became slower to load. To help out with that, I have divided this collection up into pages. Maybe one day, I'll be motivated enough to divide them into categories too.

| Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 | Page 7 | Tiles | Easter |

Page 7 - New Borders & Sets

When you're using a bordered background, it's important that you have coded it correctly so that your text is aligned properly. To see that code, just view the source code of this page and copy that. Don't forget to close that too...otherwise, you won't see the text on your page.

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Page created by JulieE
Last update 9/10/99
Background by JulieE
Thanks to Barmaton InterNETional